1.   Based on federal handling of other endangered species, Baum believes the government would simply accelerate state conservation efforts without damaging industries.

2.   Builders such as Taisei Corp. gained on news that the government will accelerate public works spending and take steps to protect small contractors from default.

3.   Builders rose for a third day on expectations the government may accelerate public works spending.

4.   Buzek pledged his government will accelerate economic and political reforms.

5.   Even though reforms have brought the exchange up to date, investors want the government to accelerate plans to off state-owned companies and remove currency controls.

6.   In recent weeks, the Mexican government has accelerated the pace with which it is opening the long distance market.

7.   Prewitt said the government would accelerate radio advertising in parts of the country where response to the census was lagging.

8.   - The government will accelerate the process to change assets into transferable notes to promote liquidity in the system.

9.   - The government will accelerate growth and remove obstacles in the tourism sector by closely cooperating with the private sector.

10.   But donors said the government should accelerate its privatization program, setting a timetable for ending state control of the huge copper monopoly, Zambia Consolidated Cooper Mining.

n. + accelerate >>共 381
inflation 28.29%
growth 8.74%
trend 2.94%
government 1.76%
economy 1.76%
process 1.62%
company 1.47%
pace 1.25%
decline 1.03%
driver 0.96%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
accelerate 0.02%
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