21.   Competing managed care reforms are too complex to resolve in one month.

22.   Congress needs to change inadequate federal laws that fail to address emerging issues related to managed care.

23.   Disputes have also arisen over language in contracts that managed care physicians must sign with Aetna.

24.   Earlier rounds of cutting, as the nation moved to managed care, involved limits on hospital stays and other treatments and cuts in payments to doctors.

25.   Employers said many managed care companies would have to find new ways to contain health costs.

26.   Faced with worsening risks and grumbling doctors, managed care plans have resorted to consolidation and higher premiums.

27.   Fifteen years ago, managed care companies promised to control costs for employers without sacrificing the quality of care by striking hard bargains with doctors and hospitals.

28.   He also has been available for speaking publicly on health reform and managed care.

29.   He joined several health plans after seeing many of his patients switch to managed care.

30.   HMOS -- A new survey by the California Medical Association shows a wide difference in what managed care companies spend on patients.

v. + care >>共 361
provide 13.11%
take 12.05%
receive 7.00%
need 5.12%
get 3.99%
require 3.37%
seek 3.07%
improve 2.97%
manage 2.94%
help 2.34%
manage + n. >>共 1194
director 9.42%
fund 3.70%
money 2.90%
sale 2.79%
company 1.68%
care 1.48%
team 1.47%
business 1.25%
operation 1.22%
economy 1.20%
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