21.   Drain the beans, then place them in a large stock pot.

22.   Drain beans and grind in food processor until fine.

23.   Drain beans and plunge into ice bath to stop cooking.

24.   Drain beans and save the broth.

25.   Drain beans into a colander and rinse with cold water.

26.   Drain beans, and add.

27.   Drain beans.

28.   Drain the beans in a colander and immediately run them under very cold water to cool and set their color.

29.   Drain the beans, return to the pot and fill with fresh water to cover the beans.

30.   If desired, add a layer of cooked ground beef, drained whole-kernel corn or drained black beans.

v. + bean >>共 201
spill 7.83%
drain 4.87%
add 4.73%
use 3.25%
cover 3.25%
eat 3.10%
soak 2.81%
cook 2.66%
place 2.36%
sell 2.22%
drain + n. >>共 434
pasta 4.58%
fluid 4.31%
money 3.66%
water 3.59%
resource 2.29%
bean 2.16%
blood 2.09%
potato 1.63%
fund 1.57%
lake 1.44%
每页显示:    共 33