1.   Boil and drain potatoes.

2.   Drain potatoes and let them cool just enough to handle.

3.   Drain potatoes in a large colander and shake to remove excess moisture.

4.   Drain potatoes in colander and run cold water over them.

5.   Drain potatoes, cool slightly and peel.

6.   Drain the potatoes and return to the pot.

7.   Drain the potatoes and, while still warm, add to the pepper mixture together with the capers, gherkin, parsley and salami or smoked turkey.

8.   Drain potatoes and return to pot.

9.   Drain potatoes well.

10.   Drain potatoes, add to boiling milk and distribute butter over them.

v. + potato >>共 258
mash 8.49%
peel 5.97%
cook 4.04%
add 3.54%
place 3.13%
boil 2.53%
drain 2.53%
cut 2.43%
eat 2.43%
put 1.92%
drain + n. >>共 434
pasta 4.58%
fluid 4.31%
money 3.66%
water 3.59%
resource 2.29%
bean 2.16%
blood 2.09%
potato 1.63%
fund 1.57%
lake 1.44%
每页显示:    共 25