21.   Department spokeswoman Dana Spurrier noted the incidents had occurred before Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush took over, and said the supervisor had been demoted.

22.   Education department spokeswoman Lindsay Kozberg said the administration still hopes to streamline the program.

23.   In this case, state officials moved quickly as a protective measure, the department spokeswoman, Smith, said.

24.   Increased flights and heightened vigilancemay account for the rise in problems detected with hazardous material, acknowledged transportation department spokeswoman Patricia Klinger.

25.   Increased flights and heightened vigilance may account for the rise in problems detected with hazardous material, acknowledged transportation department spokeswoman Patricia Klinger.

26.   Jean Daniels, a department spokeswoman, said she had heard nothing about changing the regulation cited in the Memphis case.

27.   Jackson remains on the force pending results of an LAPD internal investigation, said department spokeswoman Officer Sandra Castello.

28.   Jolene DeGroot, a department spokeswoman, said officials were prepared to request additional assistance.

29.   Jordan has also been ordered to take a drug test, Marilyn Mode, a department spokeswoman, said.

30.   Later in the police station, the man was identified in a lineup as the mugger, said Police Officer Kathleen Kelly, a department spokeswoman.

n. + spokeswoman >>共 299
police 18.90%
hospital 12.98%
company 11.96%
ministry 5.70%
government 5.22%
department 2.81%
agency 2.30%
embassy 2.28%
court 1.93%
airport 1.79%
department + n. >>共 379
official 22.41%
spokesman 14.91%
head 8.85%
spokeswoman 4.42%
policy 2.61%
manager 2.44%
employee 2.32%
director 1.56%
chairman 1.35%
staff 1.14%
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