1.   A finance ministry spokeswoman declined to comment on the report.

2.   A successor is expected to be appointed as early as today, a ministry spokeswoman said.

3.   France is the first of several countries expected to get new ambassadors from Mexico sometime this year, a foreign ministry spokeswoman said.

4.   The civil defense ministry spokeswoman said rescue teams would try to recover the bodies during lulls in the fighting.

5.   The government will also send a team of technicians to IMF headquarters in Washington next week, a ministry spokeswoman said.

6.   The government will also send a team of experts to IMF headquarters in Washington next week, a ministry spokeswoman said.

7.   The remaining debt will renegotiated at a later debt, a ministry spokeswoman said.

8.   Others are family members of politicians, German foreign ministry spokeswoman Petra Sigmund said.

9.   A Cuban foreign ministry spokeswoman, Marianela Ferriol, would not say what Tauran would be doing in Cuba, according to the Cuban news agency, Prensa Latina.

10.   A meeting of a joint commission to combat terrorism has just concluded in Tel Aviv, Israel, an Indian foreign ministry spokeswoman told journalists here.

n. + spokeswoman >>共 299
police 18.90%
hospital 12.98%
company 11.96%
ministry 5.70%
government 5.22%
department 2.81%
agency 2.30%
embassy 2.28%
court 1.93%
airport 1.79%
ministry + n. >>共 313
official 40.75%
spokesman 27.77%
statement 5.88%
source 3.41%
spokeswoman 3.25%
troop 1.34%
building 1.05%
force 0.72%
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