21.   Flip the channel, and a Perdue ad features an opera soundtrack while a baking chicken rotates on a skewer.

22.   Her ads feature a picture of her with her plants and a few chatty paragraphs about what is going on in the greenhouses.

23.   Instead, the new ads feature individual portraits of musicians and young actors.

24.   Intended to sound like public service announcements, the ads feature folksy guitar music and an unctuous male announcer who describes people who have become wealthy through the Web.

25.   It was unclear Friday if the printed ads featured the Internet address of Nitelife USA.

26.   Its black-and-white print ads feature nine men who have achieved a measure of success in their fields but who are not instantly recognizable.

27.   Loeb munched on Doritos and remarked on how ridiculous it is that the chips ad features a sexy model.

28.   More ads feature women as discerning customers, not slinky spokesmodels.

29.   Most car ads feature sedans speeding down scenic highways.

30.   Now, though, some print ads feature mistakes that are anything but accidents.

n. + feature >>共 1035
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campaign 1.08%
festival 1.06%
ad + v. >>共 511
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show 5.28%
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