1. The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures. 2. The music festival will feature some homegrown talent this year. 3. The festival featured a grab bag of independent films from widely disparate genres. 4. Also, the festival will feature other local produce as well. 5. Annual festivals feature maidens in dirndls and men in lederhosen. 6. As usual, the festival will feature a few world-music events. 7. Authentic fall festival features brass bands, Bavarian folk dancers, yodelers, music and dancing, and German food and beer. 8. Here in Rio, the festival also features a growing number of informal street parades staged by neighborhood bands and private celebrations around the city. 9. In addition to performances, the festival features exhibitions of puppets, set designs, photographs and other related items at various locations. 10. Rubeli predicted last year that future festivals would feature more world music and little-known blues and jazz artists. |