21.   In man and other species, there is accumulating evidence that gastrin stimulates acid secretion by releasing histamine.

a. + secretion >>共 67
acid 33.96%
gastric 21.39%
pancreatic 4.55%
fluid 3.48%
basal 3.21%
nasal 2.14%
bodily 1.87%
net 1.87%
vaginal 1.87%
increased 1.60%
acid + n. >>共 206
secretion 17.59%
reflux 6.23%
output 4.85%
attack 2.91%
clearance 2.63%
jazz 2.22%
battery 2.08%
level 1.94%
solution 1.80%
trip 1.80%
每页显示:    共 126