1.   Acid reflux was defined as a fall of oesophageal pH to four or less for four or more seconds.

2.   The difference in increase in UOS pressure for those episodes with acid reflux and those without was compared with one way ANOVA.

3.   As only three episodes of acid reflux were seen in the absence of a common cavity episode no statement could be made about the effects of acidification alone.

4.   For analysis of acid reflux and oesophageal motility, a software program running on IBM compatible computers was used.

5.   Oesophageal contractions not associated with acid reflux have been reported.

6.   The degree of acid reflux in association with CLO is greater than that seen in patients with reflux oesophagitis as a whole.

7.   Our results suggest a link between smoking and alcohol and complications of acid reflux in patients without hiatus hernias.

8.   Oesophageal strictures are probably caused by a combination of chemical oesophagitis, ulceration, and acid reflux.

a. + reflux >>共 25
acid 52.94%
severe 8.24%
abnormal 3.53%
gastric 3.53%
postprandial 3.53%
chronic 2.35%
recurrent 2.35%
repeated 2.35%
uncomplicated 2.35%
alkaline 1.18%
acid + n. >>共 206
secretion 17.59%
reflux 6.23%
output 4.85%
attack 2.91%
clearance 2.63%
jazz 2.22%
battery 2.08%
level 1.94%
solution 1.80%
trip 1.80%
每页显示:    共 45