11.   The chairman also said troop morale is at its lowest point in years.

12.   Troop morale was low, and drug scandals and racial tensions plagued military bases at home and abroad.

13.   During the meeting, one soldier told Netanyahu that the support of some Israeli politicians for a unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon undermined troop morale.

14.   Military officials here acknowledge a serious drop in troop morale, and have tried to bolster it with repeated statements of the importance of the role they play.

15.   Officially, its purpose is to boost troop morale and spread her message of concern for women and children.

16.   Significantly, three of the four stops on his whirlwind agenda involved boosting troop morale.

17.   The rebels have kept up ambushes and bombings in the northern lowlands that have inflicted a steady stream of losses on Russian forces and sapped troop morale.

18.   The rebels have kept up ambushes and bombings in the northern lowlands, steadily inflicting losses on Russian forces and sapping troop morale.

19.   Troop morale is low, and public opinion polls indicate the war is unpopular among civilians as well.

20.   While the rebels have not launched large-scale operations, their series of ambushes and bombings have sapped troop morale.

n. + morale >>共 50
employee 21.43%
team 17.06%
staff 12.70%
troop 11.51%
police 5.95%
teacher 2.78%
crew 2.38%
workplace 2.38%
worker 2.38%
army 1.98%
troop + n. >>共 332
withdrawal 23.78%
movement 13.79%
pullback 8.30%
deployment 5.46%
redeployment 3.38%
pullout 3.33%
reinforcement 2.84%
presence 2.71%
strength 1.98%
buildup 1.46%
morale 0.75%
每页显示:    共 29