1.   Brown has said that such a move could boost worker morale and improve public relations.

2.   Besides raising worker morale, leaders of the American effort proved adept at controlling malaria and yellow fever, which had wiped out French laborers.

3.   But she maintains, overall, that the customer service initiatives have improved worker morale and that employees like the program.

4.   Travel costs are shooting up even as worker morale is deteriorating, along with the comfort and service on packed flights.

5.   Worker morale was in the pits at the airline, which paid some of the lowest wages in the industry.

6.   An AECB official posted at the Pickering plant told the board earlier this week at a hearing into the licence renewal that worker morale and staff training need improvement.

n. + morale >>共 50
employee 21.43%
team 17.06%
staff 12.70%
troop 11.51%
police 5.95%
teacher 2.78%
crew 2.38%
workplace 2.38%
worker 2.38%
army 1.98%
worker + n. >>共 511
union 6.82%
productivity 5.83%
right 5.07%
safety 3.09%
shortage 3.09%
compensation 2.04%
protest 1.75%
strike 1.63%
bee 1.46%
program 1.46%
morale 0.35%
每页显示:    共 6