1.   The incredible thing at this halfway stage was that crew morale was as high as it was.

2.   Another recent high-technology innovation greatly helped crew morale during the six-month separation from family members, Vinson sailors said.

3.   For Aviation Ordnanceman Senior Chief Bill Sinyard, the communications linking sailors and families kept crew morale strong.

4.   Very important for crew morale, says Lovering.

5.   Despite being in last place, skipper Hans Bouscholte said crew morale was good.

6.   He added that crew morale remains high.

n. + morale >>共 50
employee 21.43%
team 17.06%
staff 12.70%
troop 11.51%
police 5.95%
teacher 2.78%
crew 2.38%
workplace 2.38%
worker 2.38%
army 1.98%
crew + n. >>共 289
member 83.35%
module 0.85%
mate 0.73%
work 0.56%
quarter 0.49%
commander 0.34%
compartment 0.34%
shortage 0.32%
capsule 0.32%
leader 0.29%
morale 0.15%
每页显示:    共 6