11.   Farther south, sunshine will return from southern New England to the Middle Atlantic states as strong winds from the northwest deliver another dose of Canadian chill.

12.   However, clouds and showers will persist in western Washington, but some sunshine will return farther south.

13.   In Texas, sunshine will return to all but the southern Gulf coast Tuesday afternoon.

14.   In the wake of the front, sunshine will return to much of the Northwest.

15.   Leftover clouds and rain and drizzle will persist in the central Plains, however some sunshine will return to the east slopes of the Rockies.

16.   Low clouds and drizzle will envelope the east slopes of the Rockies, but sunshine will return to the Dakotas.

17.   Meanwhile, partial sunshine will return to the Northern Plains as a chilly air mass arrives in the wake of the low.

18.   Meanwhile, low clouds and fog will dull the early Saturday morning over parts of the northern Middle Atlantic States, but sunshine will return by Saturday afternoon.

19.   Offshore winds in southern California will allow sunshine to return while the Northwest Coast becomes windy and wet once again.

20.   Showers will diminish along the West Coast, and sunshine will return to the deserts of the Southwest.

n. + return >>共 1046
official 2.73%
refugee 2.62%
plane 2.19%
soldier 1.78%
troop 1.65%
team 1.54%
police 1.53%
people 1.39%
worker 1.35%
man 1.23%
sunshine 0.41%
sunshine + v. >>共 118
be 29.80%
prevail 9.40%
return 7.28%
cover 5.70%
dominate 4.24%
boost 3.44%
yield 3.18%
mix 2.78%
occur 2.25%
fade 1.85%
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