1.   And already there are questions about how serious the Patriotic Front is about getting the Hutu refugees to return.

2.   And the refugees will return with security and self-government.

3.   As Clinton said, the essential corollary to the humanitarian airlift is to create conditions within Rwanda that will permit refugees to return.

4.   As refugees are returning home to Kosovo, the authorities and aid agencies are beginning to compile lists of missing people.

5.   Beyond that there are some desirable goals, like bringing war crimes suspects to trial and allowing refugees to return to their homes.

6.   Aid officials say it will take months, likely into next summer, until all the refugees can return.

7.   Britain is renewing its pressure on NATO allies to consider a ground attack in Kosovo so that refugees can return home before winter sets in.

8.   British Foreign Minister Robin Cook said refugees would not return unless the protection afforded them was credible, not the light arms of typical UN peacekeeping missions.

9.   But far fewer refugees returned to their homes to vote than expected, dramatically transforming a day of anticipated violence into one of surreal calm.

10.   But Dayaks, angry that the government plans to allow Madurese refugees to return to Borneo, clashed with riot police as Wahid left for Jakarta.

n. + return >>共 1046
official 2.73%
refugee 2.62%
plane 2.19%
soldier 1.78%
troop 1.65%
team 1.54%
police 1.53%
people 1.39%
worker 1.35%
man 1.23%
refugee + v. >>共 618
be 13.58%
say 7.18%
return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
have 3.73%
begin 2.20%
arrive 1.83%
tell 1.77%
continue 1.74%
come 1.56%
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