1.   Along the coast of New England, ample sunshine will prevail for most of Tuesday before clouds increase later Tuesday afternoon.

2.   Ample sunshine will prevail across the interior, with the afternoon becoming seasonably warm.

3.   Ample sunshine will prevail across the Southwest.

4.   Ample sunshine will prevail from the Front Range of the Rockies to Texas.

5.   Ample sunshine will prevail in the Pacific Northwest as offshore winds increase.

6.   Ample sunshine will prevail in most areas east of the Appalachians.

7.   Away from the Atlantic coast, sunshine will prevail.

8.   Bands of showers and a few thunderstorms are likely in the central and eastern Gulf States, except for Florida where sunshine will prevail.

9.   Abundant sunshine will prevail over a large area from the Rockies to the Gulf Coast where expansive high pressure remains strong.

10.   Across the Southwest, sunshine will prevail, though patchy fog will form near the coast.

n. + prevail >>共 673
sky 7.93%
condition 5.94%
sunshine 3.15%
weather 3.10%
atmosphere 2.66%
head 2.48%
calm 2.48%
view 1.77%
justice 1.55%
attitude 1.15%
sunshine + v. >>共 118
be 29.80%
prevail 9.40%
return 7.28%
cover 5.70%
dominate 4.24%
boost 3.44%
yield 3.18%
mix 2.78%
occur 2.25%
fade 1.85%
每页显示:    共 71