11.   Sprinkle with of cheese mixture.

12.   Through the normal daily sprinkling of your lawn, sodium from the water builds up and seals off the soil.

13.   Toss with chunks of feta or goat cheese, a generous sprinkling of herbs such as oregano, thyme or parsley, and salt and pepper to taste.

14.   Because of the need for phosphorous in the decomposition process, a very light sprinkling of a fertiliser containing the nutrient is advisable.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
speak 6.41%
complain 4.42%
talk 2.20%
lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
compose 1.33%
say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
sprinkle 0.02%
sprinkle + p. >>共 32
over 26.67%
throughout 18.46%
in 16.92%
around 5.64%
through 4.62%
among 3.85%
of 3.59%
into 3.33%
across 3.08%
on_top_of 2.82%
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