11.   In large bowl, combine potatoes, garlic cloves, mushrooms, butter, olive oil, chopped herbs, bay leaves and rosemary sprig.

12.   Lay a couple of rosemary sprigs in the cavity or sprinkle lightly with dried rosemary.

13.   Leaving aside your fish, coconut milk and the rosemary sprigs or bay leaf stalks, sprinkle a little bit of everything else on one end of each leaf.

14.   Remove and discard rosemary sprig.

15.   Remove the rosemary sprig.

16.   Season with salt and pepper and remove rosemary sprig.

17.   Skewer a rosemary sprig through prosciutto and scallop to other side.

18.   Surround leg with diced potatoes, spreading rosemary sprigs or sprinkling chopped dried leaves over meat and potatoes.

19.   Surround leg with diced poatoes, spreading rosemary sprigs or sprinkling chopped dried leaves over meat and potatoes.

20.   To serve, transfer to a warmed platter or individual plates, garnish with rosemary sprigs and serve at once.

n. + sprig >>共 18
mint 18.97%
cilantro 13.79%
thyme 13.79%
rosemary 11.49%
parsley 8.62%
dill 8.05%
basil 5.75%
herb 5.75%
chervil 2.87%
coriander 2.30%
rosemary + n. >>共 39
sprig 21.28%
branch 7.45%
bush 7.45%
skewer 6.38%
potato 5.32%
leaf 4.26%
needle 4.26%
oil 3.19%
bread 3.19%
plant 3.19%
每页显示:    共 20