1.   A baked chicken with rosemary potatoes can be alluring, if plated correctly.

2.   Other good choices include the celebrated veal-and-wild-mushroom meatloaf and the grilled rib-eye steak with rosemary potatoes.

3.   The crust is topped with bordelaise butter sauce, garlic white chicken, mozzarella cheese, roasted rosemary potatoes and oregano.

4.   The lineup may include Tuscan pork roast or beef roast, and oven-roasted rosemary potatoes.

5.   The rosemary potatoes are crisp without deep-frying.

n. + potato >>共 69
jacket 9.92%
fingerling 7.44%
baby 6.61%
seed 4.96%
rosemary 4.13%
garlic 4.13%
plant 2.48%
mash 2.48%
combine 1.65%
peel 1.65%
rosemary + n. >>共 39
sprig 21.28%
branch 7.45%
bush 7.45%
skewer 6.38%
potato 5.32%
leaf 4.26%
needle 4.26%
oil 3.19%
bread 3.19%
plant 3.19%
每页显示:    共 5