11.   Some may resent the intrusion of commerce and modern technology into a bucolic domain of leisure.

12.   The next minute she resented the intrusion.

13.   What if she resented the intrusion?

14.   The American bases are a sore point for Okinawans, who resent their intrusion.

v. + intrusion >>共 81
resent 9.66%
prevent 6.21%
detect 5.52%
limit 2.76%
represent 2.76%
resist 2.76%
fear 2.07%
allow 2.07%
accept 2.07%
discover 2.07%
resent + n. >>共 319
fact 6.62%
presence 4.97%
intrusion 2.32%
way 2.32%
criticism 1.99%
attention 1.66%
rule 1.66%
suggestion 1.66%
attempt 1.49%
implication 1.32%
每页显示:    共 14