11.   Lafontaine suggested a move that might raise the hurdles for the currency union even higher.

v. + hurdle >>共 93
face 35.80%
clear 15.41%
overcome 11.59%
have 4.97%
pass 2.42%
remove 2.29%
create 1.78%
raise 1.40%
pose 1.40%
jump 1.40%
raise + n. >>共 391
money 11.41%
question 8.54%
concern 5.36%
price 4.42%
issue 4.42%
rate 4.28%
fund 2.88%
possibility 2.50%
tax 2.21%
fear 2.18%
hurdle 0.03%
每页显示:    共 11