face hurdle 18.50   But it may face hurdles.
  clear hurdle 7.97   One hurdle must be cleared first.
  overcome hurdle 5.99   Great hurdles must be overcome.
  have hurdle 2.57   But this race has some hurdles.
  pass hurdle 1.25   Earlier, Orlando passed that hurdle.
  remove hurdle 1.18   But several hurdles must be removed before anyone pulls a slot machine lever there.
  create hurdle 0.92   That created another hurdle, Jones said.
  jump hurdle 0.72   The runner jumped a hurdle.
  pose hurdle 0.72   Distribution poses another hurdle for CD-ROM magazines.
  raise hurdle 0.72   Digital technology has raised the hurdles for makers of animated films.
  hit hurdle 0.59   Wheatley hit a hurdle in an opening heat and his leg was cut.
  erect hurdle 0.46   A visa fee would erect another hurdle to future growth, Gramm said.
  see hurdle 0.46   Does anyone see any hurdles?
  encounter hurdle 0.39   But analysts have pointed out that such a move could encounter regulatory hurdles.
  leap hurdle 0.39   Others leap hurdles, participate in shot puts and race horses.
  run hurdle 0.39   Reggie Torian started running the hurdles by accident.
  surmount hurdle 0.39   State officials are optimistic that legal hurdles can be surmounted.
  add hurdle 0.33   In addition to the many scientific challenges of cellular imaging, biotechnologists must add another hurdle.
  cross hurdle 0.33   He needs to cross two hurdles.
  lower hurdle 0.33   The tracking stock, however, would not lower another hurdle to acquiring Sprint.
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