1.   If this threshold hurdle were cleared, then the teacher would have the extra pay for life.

2.   And the most important part of the puzzle, a new park, will have to be dealt with after the other high hurdles are cleared.

3.   Another hurdle was cleared this week, when the U.S. Federal Trade Commission approved the proposed transaction.

4.   Before it can challenge local phone companies, the Sprint-cable alliance must clear three hurdles.

5.   Bell Atlantic expects to complete federal and state requirements by the end of this month and clear all hurdles by the summer or early fall, according to Seidenberg.

6.   A major hurdle was cleared this week when owners agreed on how much money superstations such as TBS and WGN should pay baseball to televise games nationally.

7.   A proposal to raise public grazing fees for large ranchers cleared a hurdle in the Senate Tuesday.

8.   After about two weeks of cajoling and coaching from therapists and family members, he seemed to be clearing those hurdles.

9.   Bush easily cleared hurdles he set for himself.

10.   But Bush must first clear hurdles in California, where former Republican Gov. Pete Wilson alienated Latinos with his anti-immigration stances.

v. + hurdle >>共 93
face 35.80%
clear 15.41%
overcome 11.59%
have 4.97%
pass 2.42%
remove 2.29%
create 1.78%
raise 1.40%
pose 1.40%
jump 1.40%
clear + n. >>共 1112
way 15.90%
name 4.92%
air 2.70%
area 2.51%
waiver 2.40%
road 2.31%
land 2.29%
throat 2.21%
path 1.67%
debris 1.57%
hurdle 1.55%
每页显示:    共 120