11.   He erupted after Davis sent out an early morning press statement yesterday essentially calling the senators failures.

12.   He has issued one press statement and given an interview to an Arab newspaper, in which he attacked U.S. and Israeli policies and endorsed the terrorist attacks.

13.   I enclose for your information the text of the press statement issued after the nuclear tests were carried out today.

14.   In a press statement, Collins said her vote was not meant to exonerate Clinton.

15.   In a terse press statement issued today, the company said that it has met all of its debt obligations and will continue to do so.

16.   In a press statement, Megaworld again denied speculation earlier this year that it has cash flow and debt problems.

17.   In the end he was very supportive and even issued a press statement, which is very rare.

18.   Its purchase of Bantel will allow it to expand services in the Andean region, company officials said in a press statement.

19.   KDD said in a press statement that its petition criticizes the formula used by the FCC to calculate its benchmark prices.

20.   Mauricio Gomez Sigala said in a press statement that the company will continue to strengthen its paint operations and its Construcentro retail chain operations.

n. + statement >>共 494
government 9.94%
ministry 8.16%
police 7.16%
army 4.85%
policy 4.28%
press 3.94%
fashion 3.92%
company 2.56%
mission 2.52%
proxy 2.35%
press + n. >>共 567
report 24.05%
service 8.46%
freedom 7.43%
office 4.91%
corps 4.01%
briefing 3.54%
coverage 2.86%
statement 2.38%
law 2.05%
officer 2.01%
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