1.   And entrepreneurs have also found it useful to discuss any possible mission statement with their spouses or partners.

2.   Can you create a mission statement that is a reflection of your personal and business goals in two sentences or less?

3.   Can you write down your mission statement in one or two sentences?

4.   Defining your mission statement is the most critical first step in planning for your success.

5.   Putting it at its simplest it should be at least a clear mission statement which the whole organisation understands.

6.   Such a mission statement would combine his love for running with making money.

7.   This becomes part of your mission statement and will help you focus as your business grows.

8.   This would be a good time to try to do a mission statement of your own.

9.   Use a personal mission statement to chart your career course.

10.   Your clearly defined mission statement will help you to focus on what you really want out of your entrepreneurial life.

n. + statement >>共 494
government 9.94%
ministry 8.16%
police 7.16%
army 4.85%
policy 4.28%
press 3.94%
fashion 3.92%
company 2.56%
mission 2.52%
proxy 2.35%
mission + n. >>共 231
statement 12.09%
control 9.15%
specialist 4.27%
commander 4.17%
chief 3.96%
manager 3.05%
spokesman 2.34%
center 2.03%
controller 1.93%
church 1.63%
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