1.   He promised to lift restrictions on press freedom.

2.   Labour politicians have spent most of their working lives promising to protect press freedom.

3.   Suppression of press freedom has not happened.

4.   Press freedom is severely restricted.

5.   He also announced liberal reforms including greater press freedom and the abolition of laws governing subversion.

6.   Another law adopted on the same day recognized the principle of press freedom and decreed that the news media should abstain from encouraging intolerance between tribes or races.

7.   The Assembly of the Republic in July approved new laws guaranteeing press freedom and reorganizing the state security services.

n. + freedom >>共 129
press 64.23%
medium 15.28%
labor 1.88%
guarantee 1.00%
people 0.55%
fashion 0.44%
bank 0.33%
constitution 0.33%
consumer 0.33%
country 0.33%
press + n. >>共 567
report 24.05%
service 8.46%
freedom 7.43%
office 4.91%
corps 4.01%
briefing 3.54%
coverage 2.86%
statement 2.38%
law 2.05%
officer 2.01%
每页显示:    共 577