11.   Oesophagitis was seen only in the group with impaired peristalsis, confirming the close association between a change in oesophageal motility and injury of oesophageal mucosa.

n. + motility >>共 14
oesophageal 28.95%
ileal 26.32%
bowel 7.89%
bladder 5.26%
body 5.26%
gastroduodenal 5.26%
anorectal 2.63%
antroduodenal 2.63%
baseline 2.63%
colon 2.63%
oesophageal + n. >>共 82
sphincter 7.39%
varix 4.58%
pressure 4.58%
motility 3.87%
mucosa 3.52%
transection 3.52%
manometry 3.52%
function 3.17%
carcinoma 3.17%
stricture 3.17%
每页显示:    共 11