11.   To do this you need confidence and the rule of law.

12.   To do that it needs to build big new rocket drives based on fission, fusion or anti-matter physics.

13.   To really do that we need to understand the enemy better, and that demands more information and more sharing of it, not less.

14.   Yet, in undertaking the kind of nasty work that needs to done, Jerusalem can muster more operational flexibility than Washington can.

15.   The money is to go towards the cost of recovering the pitch which the club decided needed to done this summer.

16.   To do that they need to prove Milosevic had the intent to partly or completely wipe out ethnic Albanians as a race in Kosovo.

17.   To do this they need some means.

18.   To do this you need a firewall to prevent unauthorised access.

19.   To do this we need to be competitive.

20.   To do that it needs at least three wins.

v. + do >>共 457
be 7.23%
work 5.74%
have 5.07%
explain 5.00%
will 4.05%
use 2.97%
want 2.91%
better 2.16%
do 1.49%
die 1.42%
need 1.35%
need + v. >>共 146
say 19.06%
be 7.19%
do 6.25%
think 2.19%
decide 1.88%
survive 1.88%
achieve 1.56%
tell 1.56%
use 1.56%
win 1.56%
每页显示:    共 20