need say 4.02   Or should I say you need my help.
  need be 1.51   To be effective these needed to remain confidential.
  need do 1.32   To do this they need some means.
  need think 0.46   What L.A. really needs, film industry thinking goes, is a volcano.
  need decide 0.39   What she needed, she decided, was a chat with Bridget.
  need survive 0.39   Just to survive we need your cash today.
  need achieve 0.33   To achieve that we need money for research.
  need tell 0.33   What he needs, he tells her, is aspirin.
  need use 0.33   A Geographer also knows that in order to use maps you need to know where you are.
  need win 0.33   On the one hand, a message of change was needed in order to win new voters.
  need argue 0.26   What we need, it argues, is a fresh start.
  need get 0.26   To get them it needs a superstar.
  need help 0.26   And Gore may need that help, particularly in Texas where Bush is the rare Republican with solid Hispanic support.
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