1.   Finally, discuss in advance with the service manager exactly what you want done and review the cost.

2.   What do you want done with this?

3.   The Ramblers are clear about what they want done.

4.   Also ask if the deceased ever shared any thoughts about what he or she wanted done at the funeral.

5.   And if Oscar wanted to continue to be employed here, he had to adapt to what Narron wanted done.

6.   And having played soccer at a competitive level himself, Masur is quick to get on the field to demonstrate what he wants done.

7.   And I put this out to law enforcement agencies, if this was your child, what would you want done?

8.   And justifiably so, they assure us, because nothing was far better than the catastrophic somethings that Clinton wanted done.

9.   Barton quickly worked his way up, building a reputation as the man who executes the deals that John Malone wants done.

v. + do >>共 457
be 7.23%
work 5.74%
have 5.07%
explain 5.00%
will 4.05%
use 2.97%
want 2.91%
better 2.16%
do 1.49%
die 1.42%
want + v. >>共 146
say 15.81%
do 13.87%
be 2.90%
want 2.58%
make 2.58%
rid 2.26%
know 1.29%
cut 1.29%
use 1.29%
add 0.97%
每页显示:    共 43