11.   Women with metastatic breast cancer, who have the poorest long-term outlook, were studied by the Philadelphia Bone Marrow Transplant Group.

12.   Cashman was reportedly suffering from metastatic breast cancer at the time of her death.

a. + breast >>共 338
advanced 6.52%
bare 4.73%
left 4.60%
right 4.35%
new 2.30%
early 1.92%
metastatic 1.53%
entire 1.41%
large 1.41%
human 1.28%
metastatic + n. >>共 13
breast 26.67%
cancer 17.78%
melanoma 17.78%
disease 15.56%
tumor 4.44%
adenocarcinoma 2.22%
bone 2.22%
carcinoma 2.22%
cell 2.22%
colon 2.22%
每页显示:    共 12