11.   These people are the political priests of our time, and the interpretation and legitimization of political power has always relied on little lies in matters of symbolic importance.

a. + lie >>共 307
outright 4.35%
unplayable 3.54%
bad 3.38%
good 3.22%
spreading 2.74%
little 1.77%
blatant 1.77%
public 1.29%
preferred 1.29%
downhill 1.29%
little + n. >>共 1258
girl 7.40%
boy 4.80%
thing 3.30%
sign 2.30%
guy 1.77%
one 1.29%
town 1.17%
while 1.17%
kid 1.11%
better 0.98%
lie 0.05%
每页显示:    共 11