11.   Marcelle pointed to an earlier court ruling that insured equal access for a religious groups in a university setting.

v. + access >>共 226
have 26.51%
gain 7.96%
give 5.68%
provide 4.86%
block 4.20%
allow 3.85%
deny 3.29%
get 3.15%
limit 3.02%
restrict 2.99%
insure 0.10%
insure + n. >>共 306
safety 6.70%
deposit 3.12%
security 2.80%
privacy 1.87%
stability 1.87%
access 1.71%
child 1.56%
success 1.56%
compliance 1.56%
worker 1.56%
每页显示:    共 11