1.   But even a viable opposition may not be enough to insure stability.

2.   Certain kinds of objects play an instrumental, constructive role, forecasting the future and insuring stability in the here-and-now.

3.   Juppe said the implications of monetary union reached beyond the economy, and would insure political stability throughout Europe.

4.   Rubin contended this week that the only real way to insure stability was for all countries to have sound fundamental economic policies.

5.   The Indonesian government must arbitrate conflicts among various business interests in order to insure financial stability, Muhammad said.

6.   The nub of the issue concerns profits that the Central Bank earns from investing its reserves, which are intended to insure the stability of the banking system.

7.   There is consensus among the candidates and economic experts that what Miami needs most is to attract business and expand its tax base to insure financial stability.

8.   Warriors may have commanded top status in the Edo period, but farmers and laborers insured economic stability, and they were routinely depicted in art.

9.   Welch said one of the conditions of the deal was that he stay on as chairman a while longer, probably to insure stability in the stock.

10.   Before the results began rolling in, a major concern had been whether either of the two leading parties could obtain a working majority to insure stability.

v. + stability >>共 225
bring 9.84%
maintain 8.46%
threaten 7.98%
restore 7.65%
ensure 6.13%
provide 4.61%
promote 3.71%
achieve 2.57%
undermine 2.19%
have 1.90%
insure 0.57%
insure + n. >>共 306
safety 6.70%
deposit 3.12%
security 2.80%
privacy 1.87%
stability 1.87%
access 1.71%
child 1.56%
success 1.56%
compliance 1.56%
worker 1.56%
每页显示:    共 12