1.   We hope that careful planning will insure success.

2.   Although Ms. Dodson, Mrs. Sternberg and Ms. Dalke have never met, they have insured the success of their clubs in similar ways.

3.   For five years, technologists have been trying to find the right balance of reliable and gee-whiz technologies to insure the success of the centennial games.

4.   If the next coalition is perceived to be anti-Welfare, it will only insure greater success for the Islamic party in the next elections, Mengi wrote.

5.   In some hermaphroditic species, the adaptation is thought to help insure reproductive success when other members of the species are few and far between.

6.   Or is Microsoft a predator that uses its market dominance to freeze out the superior products of competitors while insuring success for clunkier products of its own?

7.   Reflecting the importance of the project, the Japanese government lent a helping hand to insure its success.

8.   Still, Taylor would be the first to say that success in business does not insure success in academia.

9.   Telefonica is relying more heavily on domestic retail investors than international institutional investors to insure the success of the sale.

10.   They said that the new protocol paves the way for removing all major snags and comes close to insuring success for the swords-into-plowshares agreement.

v. + success >>共 523
have 26.42%
achieve 5.13%
enjoy 4.42%
find 3.47%
claim 2.87%
attribute 2.64%
measure 2.41%
guarantee 1.90%
ensure 1.63%
follow 1.19%
insure 0.19%
insure + n. >>共 306
safety 6.70%
deposit 3.12%
security 2.80%
privacy 1.87%
stability 1.87%
access 1.71%
child 1.56%
success 1.56%
compliance 1.56%
worker 1.56%
每页显示:    共 10