11.   But Holbrook said the group hardly represents the views of the general public.

12.   But groups representing women, minorities, gun-control advocates and others expect Ashcroft to shape the office to his political and personal beliefs.

13.   But Page, whose group represents conservative evangelical churches, had anti-gambling coordinators in virtually every Arkansas county.

14.   But the Business Software Alliance, a Washington, D.C., trade group representing nine software manufacturers, said the legislation would serve as a mandate.

15.   But those two ethic groups combined usually represent about one-fourth of the total voter turnout in Texas.

16.   Davis said such groups represent a threat to society.

17.   Delta is the least-unionized major airline, with pilots the only big worker group represented.

18.   Delta is the least-unionized big carrier, with pilots the only large group represented.

19.   Fearing their communities could lose money and clout, groups representing African Americans, Asian Americans and American Indians are encouraging people to choose only one box.

20.   Four-year-old Josiah Bedrosian and his three-year-old brother Peter did not seem to care what musical traditions the group represented.

n. + represent >>共 1795
lawyer 2.42%
figure 2.30%
group 2.11%
union 1.58%
move 1.28%
deal 1.09%
case 1.07%
number 1.00%
firm 1.00%
attorney 0.98%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
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accuse 1.35%
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represent 0.26%
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