1.   But these figures do not represent real growth of the economy that people live from.

2.   Eventhat figure represented a huge increase on previous statistics.

3.   Since these figures represent averages over all participants, some participants will have considerably higher frequencies than this.

4.   The figures given represent an average over the year.

5.   These figures represent an improvement over those for existing towns, but are not particularly impressive.

6.   This equals the comparative cost and again the lowest figure represents the best value.

7.   This is clear evidence that the crime figures do not represent the true situation.

8.   The figures represent a general decline in employment.

9.   The figures represent such overwhelming human misery that the mind wants to shut it out.

10.   The figures represented an extraordinary proportion by historical standards, and were three times higher than had been previously admitted.

n. + represent >>共 1795
lawyer 2.42%
figure 2.30%
group 2.11%
union 1.58%
move 1.28%
deal 1.09%
case 1.07%
number 1.00%
firm 1.00%
attorney 0.98%
figure + v. >>共 767
be 39.62%
show 8.54%
include 5.73%
come 1.61%
represent 1.47%
have 1.44%
suggest 1.38%
reflect 1.36%
indicate 1.25%
release 1.17%
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