1.   She thought lawyers represented ultimate respectability-they all made millions, rode in nice cars, and spoke fluently.

2.   The association now refuses to handle arbitration cases in which employees are forbidden from having lawyers represent them.

3.   And it is accepted in the legal profession that lawyers should represent their clients zealously.

4.   And there are other stories of defendants being represented by lawyers who showed up to court drunk.

5.   And to boot, he never knew he was part of class action represented by lawyers.

6.   At the hearing in Family Court, Christina said little, only responding to a question by Judge Mary Bednar about which lawyers would represent her.

7.   Baran, was, until December, the principal lawyer representing Gingrich before the ethics committee.

8.   A lawyer representing the Democratic party, Charles Lichtman, and Democratic party officials vigorously argued that the recount was appropriate under Florida law.

9.   A lawyer representing Acme, Max Brunswick, said that he would reply to the complaint on Friday.

10.   A lawyer representing one of those indicted, Malerba, called the charges groundless.

n. + represent >>共 1795
lawyer 2.42%
figure 2.30%
group 2.11%
union 1.58%
move 1.28%
deal 1.09%
case 1.07%
number 1.00%
firm 1.00%
attorney 0.98%
lawyer + v. >>共 494
say 29.39%
be 5.86%
argue 4.28%
have 2.27%
ask 2.05%
tell 1.51%
file 1.30%
try 1.13%
represent 1.13%
contend 1.06%
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