11.   The Hanbo founder also denied that the conglomerate had diverted millions of dollars it had officially earmarked for facility investment for lobbying and for enriching the Chungs.

12.   The Hanbo founder also denied the conglomerate had diverted millions of dollars it had officially earmarked for facility investment for lobbying and for enriching the Chungs.

13.   The improved performance was attributed by the central bank to the drastic expansion of sales on the back of brisk exports and growing facility investment.

n. + investment >>共 433
capital 16.81%
business 11.81%
fixed-income 10.62%
equity 5.78%
portfolio 2.59%
technology 1.94%
bond 1.87%
government 1.87%
income 1.63%
property 1.60%
facility 0.44%
facility + n. >>共 127
manager 8.23%
management 6.06%
investment 5.63%
expansion 3.90%
director 2.60%
downtown 2.16%
cost 2.16%
agency 1.73%
maintenance 1.73%
agreement 1.30%
每页显示:    共 13