1.   Japanese carriers have been restructuring, including the suspension of some air routes, and reduction of personnel expenses, to trim costs and offset added facilities costs.

2.   Japanese air carriers have been restructuring, including the suspension of some air routes and reduction of personnel expenses, to trim costs and offset added facilities costs.

3.   Some continuing facility startup costs are expected in the second quarter, although not at the same level, the company said.

4.   Entergy said its strategy of buying plants close to each other helps the facilities share maintenance costs.

5.   Bombardier, GEC Alsthom and their investment banks will provide interim and permanent financing for the project and a portion of the maintenance facility costs.

n. + cost >>共 875
labor 11.41%
production 8.91%
energy 3.75%
fuel 2.97%
health 2.22%
drug 2.09%
transportation 1.94%
development 1.92%
construction 1.79%
maintenance 1.66%
facility 0.06%
facility + n. >>共 127
manager 8.23%
management 6.06%
investment 5.63%
expansion 3.90%
director 2.60%
downtown 2.16%
cost 2.16%
agency 1.73%
maintenance 1.73%
agreement 1.30%
每页显示:    共 5