capital investment 32.52 investment.
  business investment 22.84   Business investment also has been robust.
  fixed-income investment 20.54   Balance your speculative risks with fixed-income investments.
  equity investment 11.19   But as equity investments, they seem less smart.
  portfolio investment 5.00   It also tracks portfolio investment.
  technology investment 3.75   Lacy is hardly abandoning technology investment.
  bond investment 3.62   Banks also have large bond investments.
  government investment 3.62   The government investment arm Temasek Holdings Pte.
  income investment 3.16   Inflation erodes the value of fixed income investments.
  property investment 3.09   It also has property investments.
  infrastructure investment 2.83   It also should ease infrastructure investments.
  fund investment 2.57   January usually is a good month for new fund investments.
  year investment 2.37   Bonds have been a losing investment all year.
  fixed-rate investment 1.97   Inflation erodes the value of fixed-rate investments.
  term investment 1.65   It was meant for long term investment.
  venture investment 1.58   Valuing venture investments in this climate is a challenge.
  inventory investment 1.32   They also see a sharp drop in inventory investment.
  pension investment 1.32   Republicans want an oversight board to control pension investments.
  security investment 1.25   He said the Central Bank should not set any restrictions on securities investment.
  asset investment 1.18   It said fixed asset investment, exports, consumption and prices all were lower.
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