11.   Census data confirm that trend.

12.   Economists said the revised GDP data confirmed their expectations that Federal Reserve policy makers would not raise short-term interest rates next week.

13.   For years, the data confirmed the theory that small funds perform better than large ones.

14.   Government data confirm the trend.

15.   Investors are waiting to see if the data will confirm suspicions about the strength of the economy.

16.   Investors are waiting to see if the data will confirm or erase suspicions about the strength of the economy.

17.   It was a finding that struck a public chord and that government data later confirmed.

18.   New data also confirmed what many families knew from experience.

19.   Recent economic data confirms this mixed picture.

20.   Recent data confirm that Japan is caught in a fiscal and economic trap.

n. + confirm >>共 906
official 20.17%
police 7.23%
spokesman 6.80%
source 5.00%
government 2.65%
authority 2.60%
test 2.52%
army 2.42%
report 2.13%
company 2.12%
datum 0.56%
datum + v. >>共 404
be 27.19%
show 12.07%
suggest 5.96%
indicate 4.53%
come 2.45%
help 1.64%
provide 1.61%
include 1.61%
have 1.52%
confirm 1.37%
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