11.   Sherman also countered arguments made Tuesday by FERC Chairman Curt F. Hebert Jr. that his agency had already helped to bring down energy prices in California.

12.   The NRA, seeking to counter arguments that owners of concealed guns contribute to crime, points to Florida.

13.   The Yankees can counter that argument by contending that the Morales contract was never enforceable because it was based on a deliberate misrepresentation.

14.   Their argument was countered by Solicitor General Walter Dellinger, representing the Clinton administration in hour-long oral arguments in the crowded marble court chamber.

15.   To counter those arguments, SRP has gone on the offensive.

16.   Those arguments have been countered in recent months by U.S. diplomats concerned about the possible impact of an aggressive American sales effort in the region.

17.   To win or break even, the Democrats had to counter Republican arguments against law enforcement and the Clinton administration.

18.   Bindenagel sought to counter that argument by saying Russia is already showing its willingness to have a constructive relationship with the Western alliance.

19.   Foong said the Bar Council countered this argument by insisting that Syed Mubarak was employed by his clients.

20.   Gore countered this argument by asserting that the nuclear powers are making progress toward disarmament.

v. + argument >>共 517
hear 16.07%
reject 10.20%
make 7.92%
have 3.36%
present 3.03%
dismiss 2.58%
support 1.87%
close 1.85%
accept 1.79%
win 1.79%
counter 0.60%
counter + n. >>共 532
threat 4.98%
terrorism 3.91%
criticism 3.91%
effect 3.40%
attack 3.17%
claim 2.21%
argument 1.59%
gain 1.47%
charge 1.47%
move 1.36%
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