11.   A binary compound contains two elements.

12.   All of them contain strong elements of role play, narrative and ritual.

13.   In the same way, the attribute class name contains all elements used to represent various kinds of name, all of which share the attributes key and reg.

14.   Before a disposition, trust, covenant, agreement or arrangement can be a settlement... it must contain an element of bounty.

15.   The third group contains elements that are peripheral to this schema but could be more central to other schemas, such as our current conceptualisation of the solar system.

16.   A system that was designed to be pure, fair and righteous now contains elements of self-interest and manipulation.

17.   All punishment contains an element of retribution, as well as representing a statement by society.

18.   But it contains elements that are so striking they pretty much redeem the film.

19.   Contains elements of humor or horror.

20.   Depending on the picture Orly requests, the draw pad can be blank or contain a few elements to help a child along.

v. + element >>共 487
have 9.53%
add 5.08%
combine 4.45%
contain 4.21%
include 4.04%
incorporate 3.58%
use 2.19%
bring 1.96%
introduce 1.79%
involve 1.67%
contain + n. >>共 1282
item 3.24%
information 3.09%
provision 1.82%
material 1.66%
violence 0.89%
inflation 0.83%
explosive 0.80%
bomb 0.77%
fire 0.77%
cost 0.75%
element 0.55%
每页显示:    共 73