have element 10.86   It has the elements.
  add element 5.79   I hope to add that element, too.
  combine element 5.07   Story combines both elements.
  contain element 4.81   Songs contain elements of fact.
  include element 4.61   But it does include elements of both.
  incorporate element 4.08   They decided to incorporate that element in their work.
  use element 2.50   Even the Cowboys use some elements of it.
  bring element 2.24   I brought elements of the party together.
  introduce element 2.04   In the air, they introduced an element of beauty and grace.
  involve element 1.91   Hypnosis involves several elements.
  find element 1.38   Some found strong elements of sexism in it.
  lose element 1.32   You lose the element of surprise.
  mix element 1.32   The story gleefully mixes elements silly and serious.
  remove element 1.32   Or, at the very least, remove the element of surprise.
  blend element 0.99   The record blended elements like a hybrid flower.
  share element 0.99   They all share certain elements in common.
  brave element 0.92   But she too says her life in the theater is akin to braving the elements.
  see element 0.86   Woods sees two elements at work.
  inject element 0.79   But the flat look injects an element of novelty into the coming season.
  accuse element 0.72   He accuses evil elements of the government of conspiring against him.
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