11.   The fuselage would be made of new materials such as carbon fibre.

n. + fibre >>共 29
nerve 25.35%
carbon 15.49%
muscle 8.45%
collagen 5.63%
twitch 4.23%
bulb 2.82%
coconut 2.82%
cotton 2.82%
plant 2.82%
rootlet 2.82%
carbon + n. >>共 148
emission 11.52%
atom 8.45%
tax 5.76%
steel 3.84%
content 3.26%
nanotube 3.26%
molecule 2.88%
credit 2.50%
sink 2.50%
filter 2.30%
fibre 2.11%
每页显示:    共 11