carbon emission 3.95   The forest land absorbs carbon emissions.
  carbon atom 2.90   Every carbon atom and every hydrogen atom is the same.
  carbon tax 1.97   What about plans for a carbon tax?
  carbon steel 1.32   Is carbon steel preferable to stainless?
  carbon content 1.12   Cast Iron Iron with a high carbon content.
  carbon nanotube 1.12   With carbon nanotubes, they are starting over.
  carbon molecule 0.99   ...carbon molecules with unusual chemical and catalytic properties.
  carbon credit 0.86   According to the proposal, the banking and borrowing of carbon credits are also allowed.
  carbon sink 0.86   The biggest source of contention is carbon sinks.
  carbon filter 0.79   Others have pumped the water through carbon filters.
  carbon fibre 0.72   Acrylonitrile is the raw material of PAN carbon fibre.
  carbon particle 0.66   Fire too was made of matter -- gases and carbon particles.
  carbon compound 0.53   Spoetzl could be targeted because its fermentation process produces a carbon compound, he said.
  carbon gas 0.53   No one is forecasting lower, even stable emissions of carbon gases.
  carbon graphite 0.53   Modern, ultralight paddles are made of carbon graphite.
  carbon isotope 0.53   The British team said the ratios of carbon isotopes in the rock strongly point to biological activity.
  carbon storage 0.39   Along with the benefits of carbon storage, such deals aid the environment in other ways, Wayburn said.
  carbon deposit 0.33   Even relatively small carbon deposits can reduce engine performance.
  carbon filament 0.33   NATO has acknowledged its use of special cluster bombs that disperse carbon filaments on supply lines to cause massive short-circuits.
  carbon material 0.33   In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth.
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