1.   Although the IBM researchers were cautious about near-term commercial applications of their technology, which is based on ultrafine threads known as carbon nanotubes.

2.   A new variant of fullerene molecules is the carbon nanotube, a microscopic tubular fiber consisting of a rolled-up sheet of carbon atoms.

3.   A single electron in a single-wall carbon nanotube could function as a microminiature transistor.

4.   Additionally, the IBM researchers said they thought they would ultimately be able to create carbon nanotubes of arbitrary lengths.

5.   By peeling the tips off carbon nanotubes, he found he could create a virtually frictionless bearing.

6.   Carbon nanotubes, which were discovered less than a decade ago, are among the star materials in the growing research into development of molecular-scale manufacturing devices.

7.   Decoding the human genome, discovering stem cells and building carbon nanotubes are clearly important developments.

8.   Depending on their construction, such carbon nanotubes can conduct electricity like copper or control the flow of electrons like silicon, making them perfect for electronics.

9.   Gingrich talks about S curves, carbon nanotubes, hydrogen fuel cells and solar energy, explaining complex concepts, much as a professor would talk to a student.

10.   He said, though, that he now thought that at some point in the future a hybrid electronics blending carbon nanotubes and silicon might be a reality.

n. + nanotube >>共 3
carbon 89.47%
single-wall 5.26%
word 5.26%
carbon + n. >>共 148
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atom 8.45%
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steel 3.84%
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nanotube 3.26%
molecule 2.88%
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