11.   Clinton is trying to assuage their fears and forge a charter with Yeltsin to give Russia a voice, but not a veto, in an enlarged NATO.

12.   Despite his reputation as a ruthless slasher of costs, Ebbers tried to assuage employee fears of massive job cuts.

13.   Fristrup, though, doubts if more studies and more tests could assuage the fears of whale-lovers.

14.   Ghosn, who was appointed to his new position during a board meeting Friday, gave a brief speech in Japanese that was an effort to assuage some fears.

15.   Hezbollah purposely does nothing to assuage those fears.

16.   I had been leery of colors and she assuaged my fears.

17.   If, however, U.S. missile defenses are designed to counter proliferation only and do not include weapons in space, Chinese and Russian fears could be assuaged.

18.   Immigration and Naturalization Commissioner James Ziglar has tried to assuage fears by assuring relatives of those missing that immigration information would not be sought.

19.   In a follow-up interview, Roseanne scarcely managed to assuage any fears.

20.   In just a few years, their fears were assuaged and the work continued.

v. + fear >>共 569
raise 12.95%
express 9.54%
have 4.76%
allay 4.38%
ease 3.98%
spark 2.90%
calm 2.23%
voice 2.15%
dismiss 1.81%
fuel 1.79%
assuage 0.82%
assuage + n. >>共 82
fear 21.93%
concern 18.59%
guilt 5.58%
anger 5.20%
critic 3.72%
conscience 2.60%
grief 1.86%
feeling 1.86%
anxiety 1.12%
investor 1.12%
每页显示:    共 59