1.   It might have assuaged consciences to help each one at each remove, but it would have led to permanent instability and violence.

2.   Our consciences are assuaged, if temporarily.

3.   That would assuage the consciences of many who feel guilty about casting a vote that effectively condones the abuses of power.

4.   The bishop responded that he would reimburse the diocese, saying he hoped that it would assuage his conscience.

5.   To assuage its conscience for approving such extraordinary concentration, the Federal Trade Commission told Time Warner to allow some competition for its newly bagged CNN.

6.   Perhaps cynics might say this is one way the companies assuage their conscience over handing out any out real salary increments.

7.   On Australian Broadcasting Corp., McNamara rejected suggestions that his participation on the commission is part of an attempt to assuage his conscience over his admitted mistakes over Vietnam.

v. + conscience >>共 88
have 16.90%
vote 16.90%
follow 8.45%
salve 4.58%
clear 3.87%
examine 3.52%
prick 3.17%
ease 2.82%
assuage 2.46%
develop 1.41%
assuage + n. >>共 82
fear 21.93%
concern 18.59%
guilt 5.58%
anger 5.20%
critic 3.72%
conscience 2.60%
grief 1.86%
feeling 1.86%
anxiety 1.12%
investor 1.12%
每页显示:    共 7